Monday, June 29, 2009

Harry Potter is a Pedestrian and a Venereal Disease

Now don't get me wrong, I am not an illiterate. I have heard about the pre-pubescent wizarding wonder's success in changing a generation and his dominating cultural impact. Well done, but I think Harry Potter doesn't deserve the fan base and hero worship he seems to command today.
First of all, the Harry Potter series weren't good books at all, I mean the language was the type you'd expect from a person trying to play the stereotype Briton, it contained all the cliches and stupid, over worked pop culture references. The books strive on the general stupidity of the common adolescent, it appealed to a generation of kids brought up on processed foods and television. The books were built upon a tried and tested formula, similar to "bollywood masala", filled with actions and objectives that seem to convince the reader that he or she is special and what happened in the books were very much possible, they seemed to wish just for the time the movie played or the book lasted that they could ride away into the horizon with the villain dead and the heroine seated on the hero's bike or broomstick or whatever.
Harry Potter was far from brave or courageous or whatever everyone believed him to be, he was just one pissed-off, normal, everyday teenager. Bullies, relatives who don't care, talent at quidditich (read soccer), inert heroism and the immortality of a video game character, sounds familiar, yup a very well crafted attempt to make people relate and fall in love with a poor orphan boy, who is in fact, not poor in a magical world and has destiny's stubbornness on his side.
Aiding him let's not forget some very powerful figures who include the who's who of wizarding all with very "believable" stories that cry out,"I am flawless, and when I was wrong, I was doing it for greater good, you have to forgive me, Harry does.". It's sickening, it's wrong and it's lame that people believe this pathetic excuse for a book are as stupid the characters they carry around in their hearts. I mean I studied with some very stupid people in my life, but I am yet to see the kind of brain that will look at background like Snape's and not say,"That's bullshit, I am not buying it.". I mean everything in the book is so chocolate covered and wannabe. In fact I think, the only character in the book who I found believable and human was Voldemort, the guy has a legit story and is genuine. Life dealt him a shitty hand and he gave back one hell of a fight, he lived like a conqueror, refused to give up, grabbed life by the balls and died like a man. He had a shitty childhood, worse than the one Harry had, and instead of cribbing about it all day and being lame about it, he sought to seek and find his destiny and fight it back. I mean he didn't take it like a pedestrian, he drove himself to make his own destiny. Obviously at some point he was consumed by rage and frustration, and he probably didn't take bad news so well. But I find him much more human than the icon of stupidity Harry Potter. The only thing I find dumber than Harry and his "predicament" are his friends, the blonde red-head and the snot man-rabbit. The whole thing is just so predictable, retarded and sugar-coated. It's border-line nauseating, if you think I am a hater, watch the movie,"Requiem for a Dream", take a shot of tequila(you'll need it) and read the ending chapter of ,"Half-Blood Prince" again. It's a very fitting end that sums the objective of the books. The people who read these books and argue over stuff like which house the sorting hat would put them into and who practice or know spells should take a shot-gun to their mouths, in the general interest of literature and it's survival. A very good step towards redeeming yourself is to go back to hearing rap music and read ,"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger or any of mystery books written by Edgar Allan Poe.
I have purposely avoided bashing the man-rabbit known as Emma Watson to avoid my minuscule handful of readers running off to do That-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named, as for me I sit here rearranging my good christian name, Sunit Mathew to get "I am Nut Stew." Now if only I had an audience of bored, jobless people, hmmm I wonder..........


  1. keep bloggin dude......ur style of ryting is highly satirical but it fits u....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. "I am nut stew"?? The h you idiot

    More like "The Nut Swami"

  5. Hey da, easy on the passion!, good work though. I loved the Voldemort bit. I was surprised not to see any material regarding Dumb le Dore! Come on, man, he deserves to be impaled for being the sadest, most confused confusing character in all of Middlearth or wherever these people are...

  6. One word.. cos you left me lost for words... BRAVO... Kiddellum stuff, bro.. keep it up...
